Introduction to BiblioPlan, Year Three

U.S. and World History, 1600-1850, with Missionary Highlights

BiblioPlan's third Year covers U.S. and World History, 1600-1850, with Missionary Highlights. Third Year students will cover:

  • New World colonists in Virginia, New England and New France
  • The American Revolution, America's Founding Fathers and the Constitution of the United States
  • France's aristocracy, the French Revolution and Napoleon
  • Britain's vast empire, its domination of India and its Opium Wars in China
  • America's Westward expansion, Manifest Destiny, the Mexican-American War and the California Gold Rush
  • American folk heroes like Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston and Kit Carson
  • Topics from Spain, Russia, China, Japan, Africa, Mexico, Haiti, South America and many other places

Year Three students will begin with a review of the vast, wealthy Spanish Empire, which began to crumble in the late 1500s. They will look on as explorers like Henry Hudson and Jacques Cartier search for the elusive Northwest Passage. They will keep one eye on settlers from England and France who are struggling to establish permanent New World colonies in Virginia, New England and New France. With the other eye, they will keep track of the conflict between Protestants and Catholics in Europe's Thirty Years' War. Along the way, they will get updates from faraway Russia, China, Japan, Africa, India and the Ottoman Empire.

Year Three students will watch France's Sun King, Louis XIV, elevate the French monarchy to the height of its power. They will see France and Britain clash over control of the New World, and look on as France aids Britain's thirteen New World colonies in their struggle for independence. They will watch those Thirteen Colonies win an unlikely victory in the American Revolution and go on to establish the new United States of America. They will study America's Founding Fathers, who based the new U.S. Constitution on lofty principles of liberty and equality. Then they will see the French Revolution nearly tear France apart, as its citizens overthrow their profligate monarchy to seek some of that equality for themselves.

Next, Year Three students will watch Napoleon raise France up from the ashes of that Revolution to create an empire that will threaten to dominate every other European nation. Then they will see Napoleon destroy himself with an overambitious campaign into frigid Russia, and watch one of the largest armies of all time retreat in ruin and disgrace. They will see the British Empire take France's place as the dominant European power. They will look on as Britain dominates India and launches the Opium Wars in China, all in the name of free commerce and balanced trade.

Meanwhile, in the New World, Year Three students will see the USA begin to explore and settle North America west of the Mississippi, while the nations of South America battle for independence and equality. They will watch Texas and the USA fight off Mexico for control of the American southwest. Their study will end with the prospectors of the 1849 California Gold Rush.

Most weeks include Missionary Highlights, which are detailed and inspiring life summaries of church fathers and missionaries of the Gospel like:
  • John Bunyan
  • John Eliot
  • Adoniram Judson
  • Elizabeth Fry
  • George Whitefield
  • Dwight Moody
  • and many others

Here is a sampling of the age-appropriate literature selections outlined in the Guide for Year Three:

Stone Soup, an Old Tale (Brown)
Rikki-tikki-tavi (Pinkney)
A More Perfect Union (Maestro)
Buffalo Bill (D’Aulaire)
Hans Brinker: The Silver Skates (Dodge)
Imprisoned in the Golden City (Jackson)
Childhood of Famous Americans: Daniel Boone (Stevenson)
The Cabin Faced West (Fritz)
World of Columbus and Sons (Beautiful Feet) (Foster)
Peter the Great (Stanley)
Johnny Tremain (Forbes)
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch (Latham)
Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan)
Moby Dick (Melville)
Family Read-Alouds
The Sign of the Beaver (Speare)
In Search of Honor (Hess)
Bold Journey: West with Lewis and Clark (Bohner)

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